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Pakistan Reiterates Commitment to CPEC

Pakistan Reiterates Commitment to CPEC

Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri, Chairman of the Understanding China Forum and former foreign minister, reiterated Pakistan’s steadfast commitment to collaborating with China in the advancement of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). During a recent visit to Beijing, Kasuri expressed Pakistan’s eagerness to deepen bilateral cooperation across various domains and to benefit from China’s extensive experience in governance and development.

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Highlighting the significance of the visit, Kasuri emphasized the firsthand observation of China’s strides in high-quality development and ecological conservation. He underscored the pivotal role of forums like the Understanding China Forum in facilitating government decision-making and fostering people-to-people exchanges between Pakistan and China.

The delegation from the Understanding China Forum, a reputable Pakistan-based think tank, reaffirmed its dedication to strengthening Pakistan-China relations and contributing to mutual prosperity and development. Through continued collaboration and exchange, both countries aim to leverage their respective strengths for the collective benefit of their peoples.
