In a tragic incident in Lahore’s Chohang area, a 7-year-old boy was fatally shot by a security guard while attempting to drink water at a farmhouse. According to reports, the boy had gone to the farmhouse after playing cricket. The security guard, identified as Nazir, shot the child, and it was revealed that Nazir had previously stopped the boy from accessing water at the farmhouse.
Following the shooting, Nazir attempted to flee the scene, but neighbors who witnessed the event alerted authorities. He was later apprehended at a bus station. The police have registered a case against Nazir and two unidentified individuals based on the complaint filed by the child’s father. This incident is part of a disturbing trend involving security guards misusing their authority.
Also Read: Nine Family Members Shot Dead in Peshawar’s Badaber Village
Earlier this year, a TikToker in Karachi was shot dead by a security guard after continuing to record a video despite warnings to stop. The guard allegedly acted out of anger and was subsequently arrested. Additionally, a 32-year-old security guard was fatally shot by unknown assailants in Tiramiri, Phase 8, further highlighting the dangers posed to and by security personnel in Pakistan.