During the initial seven months of 2023, over 450,000 Pakistanis sought improved job prospects overseas. As per data from the Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment, 450,110 individuals registered for overseas jobs by July.
This data reveals that within this timeframe, 192,188 laborers, 96,466 drivers, 4,705 engineers, 4,431 accountants, 1,925 doctors, and 764 teachers left the country.
Read more : Career opportunities in Saudi Arabia
Breaking down the occupational groups, 12,787 were highly qualified, and 26,405 were highly skilled among those who departed.
Of the total, 205,515 migrated to Saudi Arabia, 121,745 to the UAE, 35,637 to Qatar, and 34,140 to Oman. Other destinations include Malaysia (16,166), Bahrain (7,441), Greece (2,565), Romania (3,275), and Iraq (2,119).
This data from the Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment only pertains to registered individuals, excluding those who move abroad for education or via other channels.
In the previous year, 832,339 Pakistanis ventured overseas for employment, marking the highest count since 2016.