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Airport Staff Recovers Woman’s 4M Worth Lost Bag

In a remarkable display of honesty and swift action, Islamabad airport staff recently assisted a passenger who had inadvertently left her bag containing significant valuables.

  • Lost Bag Discovery: Following her arrival from Karachi, a female passenger forgot her bag in a domestic arrivals baby changing room on level-II of the terminal building.
  • Sanitary Attendant’s Honesty: Sobia Asif, a sanitary attendant, found the unattended bag during her duty and promptly followed protocol, taking custody of the bag and handing it over to Tabassum Ara, the Terminal Manager for Arrivals.
  • Lost and Found Initiative: Tabassum Ara ensured the bag was placed in the Civil Aviation Authority’s Lost and Found office for safekeeping.


Contents of the Bag:

  • UK pounds 110
  • Pakistani rupees 22,830
  • 10 tolas of gold
  • Two mobile phones
  • A lady’s Swiss watch

Estimated Value:

Approximately 4 million Pakistani rupees

  • Reclaiming the Lost Bag: Upon realizing the loss, the family reached out to the CAA Lost and Found section, seeking information about the bag’s whereabouts.
  • Successful Recovery: Following verification procedures, the bag was returned to the woman in the presence of the Chief Operating Officer/Airport Manager.
  • Gratitude and Recognition: Expressing her gratitude, the woman commended the CAA management for their support and praised the honesty of Sobia Asif, the sanitary worker who initially discovered the bag.
  • Appreciation for Honesty: Mrs. Sobia Asif received an appreciation certificate and a reward of 25,000 Pakistani rupees, recognizing her integrity and professionalism in handling the situation.