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Army Dismisses Three Officers, Including Lt Gen, in Connection with May 9 Riots

The Pakistan Army has dismissed three officers, including a lieutenant general, from service following the May 9 riots, according to the military spokesperson. The spokesperson addressed the media to provide factual information about the events that occurred on May 9. The riots erupted after the arrest of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief, leading to attacks on military facilities and monuments dedicated to martyrs.

Read More: Army gets custody of eight alleged rioters

During the press conference, Major General Sharif presented a video montage featuring testimonies from family members of the martyrs. The spokesperson described the incident as “extremely disappointing, condemnable, and a black chapter in the history of our country.” He also referred to the events as a conspiracy against Pakistan, stating that they will not be forgotten, and those responsible will not be forgiven.

The military investigation revealed that the planning for the May 9 riots had been underway for several months. A conducive environment was created, and people were instigated and provoked against the army. False narratives and exaggerated information were spread on social media platforms, both domestically and internationally. The authorities have obtained evidence in this regard.

The events of May 9 caused immense grief and anger among the families of martyrs and veterans of the armed forces. While the armed forces continue to lay martyrs to rest and conduct operations against terrorists, false propaganda was disseminated for nefarious political purposes.

The decisions made by the Pakistan Army demonstrate unity and clarity. Several press releases and conferences indicate that the military leadership is aware of those involved in the May 9 riots. The spokesperson assured that all individuals responsible for the incidents, regardless of their affiliations, will be punished according to the Constitution of Pakistan and the law.

As part of the disciplinary proceedings, a lieutenant general and other officers, including three major generals and seven brigadiers, have been dismissed or faced disciplinary action. The military courts, which have been operational under the Army Act, are currently trying 102 individuals. Those being tried have the right to appeal in the higher courts.

The spokesperson emphasized that the self-accountability within the Pakistan Army is carried out without discrimination. He stated that the International Court of Justice has validated the due process followed by military courts after thorough investigations.

While addressing allegations of military involvement in the events of May 9, the spokesperson highlighted CCTV footage, audio recordings, and statements from suspected individuals, indicating that army installations were targeted and attacked as part of a planned operation.

Despite these challenges, the security forces have conducted intelligence-based operations against thousands of terrorists and their facilitators, resulting in numerous arrests and eliminations.

In conclusion, the military spokesperson assured that everyone involved in the May 9 events will be held accountable, irrespective of their rank or social position.
