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ASI Arrested for Soliciting Bribe After Mistaken Message


In a surprising turn of events, an Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) in Lahore has been arrested for allegedly soliciting a bribe of Rs. 70,000 from a citizen. The incident came to light when ASI Waseem, who serves in the Lahore Anti-Vehicle Lifting Squad (AVLS), accidentally sent a message demanding the bribe to a senior police officer instead of the intended recipient.

Upon receiving the message, the senior officer acted swiftly, ordering the immediate arrest of ASI Waseem. He was promptly taken into custody and is now facing charges, with an internal investigation underway to explore the full extent of his misconduct.

Also Read: Police Arrest Alleged Ringleader of Hypnosis Robbery Gang Alongside Five Suspects

The Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of the Organized Crime Unit reiterated the department’s zero-tolerance policy toward corruption. He stressed that strict action would be taken against any police personnel found guilty of unethical behavior, emphasizing the importance of integrity within the force.

This arrest serves as a stern warning to law enforcement officials that corruption will not be tolerated and that measures will be enforced to maintain accountability and integrity in the police department.
