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Bloomberg: Electricity Bills in Pakistan Now Exceed the Cost of House Rents

Bloomberg: Electricity Bills in Pakistan Now Exceed the Cost of House Rents

According to Bloomberg, Pakistan’s economic situation remains dire despite a recent decrease in inflation. The country’s inflation rate, although slightly lower, remains the highest among Asian nations, putting severe pressure on its population.

The report highlights that the government has had to raise energy prices to secure a new loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), resulting in a significant increase in electricity bills, which have now outpaced house rents.

Read more: Man Sues K-Electric for Rs20m Over Father’s Death Due to Bills

The steep rise in electricity costs, which have surged by 155% since 2021, has pushed many households towards financial instability.

Citizens are protesting against the high tariffs and the broader economic reforms mandated by the IMF, expressing frustration with the government’s policies.

The rising cost of living and the increased financial burden have intensified public discontent.

The report also emphasizes that half of Pakistan’s population lives on less than $4 a day, marking it as one of the poorest countries in the region.

The economic strain, combined with the IMF’s stringent conditions, has led to widespread dissatisfaction and instability as the country grapples with its ongoing financial crisis.
