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COAS: Crackdown on Illegal Activities in Pakistan

COAS: Crackdown on Illegal Activities in Pakistan

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir reaffirmed Pakistan’s commitment to cracking down on a spectrum of illegal activities during a meeting of the Provincial Apex Committee in Lahore. In attendance was Caretaker Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi.

The COAS stressed that law enforcement actions targeting various illicit practices would persist with unwavering determination. These actions are aimed at curbing significant economic losses incurred by the country due to activities such as electricity and gas theft, hoarding, and foreign currency smuggling.

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The meeting provided an opportunity for the army chief to receive a comprehensive briefing on the overall security situation. Additionally, he was updated on law enforcement initiatives, including those related to the prevention of electricity and gas theft, hoarding practices, and the smuggling of foreign currency. The Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) issued a statement outlining the meeting’s discussions.

The forum also addressed matters related to the protection of minority rights and reviewed the progress of operations in the Kacha area. It further discussed the repatriation of illegal foreign nationals, emphasizing the importance of addressing these issues effectively.

COAS General Munir reiterated the commitment to continue robust law enforcement efforts, conducted in collaboration with law enforcement agencies and relevant government departments. The primary goal is to alleviate the substantial economic losses that Pakistan has been enduring due to various pilferage methods.

The meeting also received updates on the progress of the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) and the Green Punjab initiatives. The COAS emphasized the need for effective coordination among all relevant departments to maximize the positive impact of these landmark initiatives.

In a show of unity, participants affirmed that state institutions, government departments, and the people of Punjab are working together for the progress and prosperity of the province. The commitment to combating illegal activities and promoting economic growth remains a top priority for Pakistan’s leadership.
