Breaking News

CTD Arrests Osama Bin Laden Close Associate From Gujranwala

CTD Arrests Osama Bin Laden Close Associate From Gujranwala

The Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) Punjab has arrested a close associate of Al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden, who was killed in a US-led operation.

The CTD Punjab spokesperson confirmed that terrorist Amin ul-Haq, a notorious Al-Qaeda operative, was detained following an intelligence-based operation. Amin ul-Haq is also listed on the United Nations’ global list of terrorists. A case has been registered against him, and further investigations are ongoing.

Read more: Tiktok will Ban Videos that Promote ‘Letter to America’ by Bin Laden

Thirteen years have passed since the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, Osama bin Laden, was killed by US special forces in northwestern Pakistan. Bin Laden had reportedly been living in Abbottabad for years without internet or any landline connection.

The operation that led to bin Laden’s death made international headlines as the US had been searching for him for almost a decade. He was reportedly located through his compound and subsequently killed.

Following bin Laden’s death, Pakistan demolished his house, removing what had become a symbol of humiliation for its military and marking a challenging period in US-Pakistan relations.
