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Ensuring a Joyous and Blessed Eid-ul-Adha: Key Preparations and Considerations

As the summer vacation provides ample time for students to immerse themselves in Eid-ul-Adha preparations, it is essential to focus not only on personal choices of clothing and meals but also on crucial aspects often neglected. By addressing these important considerations, the occasion can become a source of true joy and blessings for individuals and their families.

Read More: Celebrating Eid al-Adha in Pakistan: A Guide to Joyous and Safe Festivities Copy

Showing Care and Hospitality towards Sacrificial Animals:

Amidst the excitement of Eid-ul-Adha, it is paramount to extend hospitality and compassion towards the sacrificial animals. Just like humans, these animals experience the scorching weather, hunger, and thirst, and they also require a proper place to rest.

While children initially engage with the sacrificial animals upon their arrival, it is common for the initial enthusiasm to wane within a few hours. Consequently, the animals may be left without adequate shelter, food, or water, enduring the sweltering heat of the day and nights of deprivation.

Considering the hot and humid weather conditions, it is crucial to arrange suitable shelter that prevents the animals from standing on unbearably hot surfaces during the day. Ensuring they have sufficient food and water is equally important. Regularly cleaning the area where the animals are tied is essential as well.

It is worth noting that animals tend to avoid consuming fodder that has touched the ground. Therefore, it is vital to avoid spoiling fodder by throwing it onto dirty surfaces. If unable to feed the animals by hand, placing the fodder in clean containers is recommended.

In summary, demonstrating care and hospitality towards sacrificial animals is a noble deed and an integral part of the ritual of sacrifice during Eid-ul-Adha. It is the collective responsibility of the entire household to uphold the rights of these animals upon their arrival.

Maintaining Cleanliness:

Regrettably, cleanliness often becomes a neglected aspect during Eid-ul-Adha due to laziness, carelessness, or a lack of awareness regarding hygiene’s significance.

Unsanitary roads, unpleasant odors, and unhygienic surroundings have unfortunately become associated with this religious festival. While performing the sacrifice, it is important to avoid spilling blood and filthy water onto the streets, as these can become breeding grounds for disease-carrying mosquitoes and organisms. Designating proper areas for the slaughter of animals helps concentrate the associated mess in one place.

It is observed that animal waste and remains are frequently discarded on the streets without being properly contained in plastic bags. This practice attracts flies, insects, and contamination to the neighborhood. Taking responsibility for the clean disposal of these leftovers and making appropriate arrangements is crucial.

Moreover, children have a role to play in maintaining self-hygiene. While children may enjoy interacting with goats and cows, it is essential for them to wash their hands afterward. Neglecting handwashing can inadvertently lead to germs entering the body through contact with the nose or mouth, potentially causing illnesses. Therefore, washing hands with soap after touching animals, fodder, or the animal’s surroundings is highly important. Additionally, hands should always be washed upon returning home from outside and before meals, establishing it as a regular habit.

Furthermore, during the days surrounding Eid-ul-Adha, the streets may be unclean due to animal waste. Therefore, care must be taken not to bring dirty shoes worn outside into the house. Washing the shoes outside before entering or, if feasible, using separate slippers designated for outdoor use can help maintain cleanliness within the home.

By paying a little attention to cleanliness and self-hygiene, individuals can safeguard themselves from various illnesses.

Moderating Food Consumption:

During Eid-ul-Adha, meat-based dishes dominate the culinary preparations. Roasts, curries, biryani, along with naan or
