A tragic incident unfolded in Adda Shah Nal when a father, Ismail, reportedly slit the throats of his daughter, Musarat, and son, Khalid, amid mental distress. According to the FIR filed by Saber, Ismail’s second son, the horrifying attack occurred while they were alone at home.
Musarat tragically succumbed to her injuries, while Khalid and Ismail are both in serious condition after Ismail also attempted to stab himself. The incident has left the community in shock, as Ismail had been struggling with mental health issues for some time, which were cited as a factor behind the brutal act.
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The FIR details that Ismail had been under significant mental pressure, which may have contributed to his actions. Authorities have registered a case at the local police station, and investigations are ongoing to determine the full circumstances surrounding this heartbreaking event.