On Saturday, the government announced a refund of up to Rs40,000 for Hajj pilgrims who performed the pilgrimage last year. Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Chaudhry Salik Hussain shared the details during an interview with Samaa TV, explaining that the refunds would be issued according to the category of the pilgrims.
The minister also highlighted improvements for the upcoming Hajj season. Despite maintaining the same cost, this year’s pilgrims will enjoy enhanced facilities, including three daily meals and upgraded accommodation. Unlike last year, when pilgrims stayed in cloth tents in Mina, this year they will be housed in gypsum-built tents, along with air-conditioned lodging replacing the previous year’s room coolers.
Also Read: Private Hajj Bookings for 2025 to Begin on January 10, Ministry Announces
A major highlight for 2025 will be the introduction of the “Road to Makkah” initiative, streamlining the immigration process. Pilgrims will now complete immigration formalities in Pakistan and have their luggage delivered directly to their hotel in Saudi Arabia.