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Hamid Mir’s Insights on Afghan Refugees’ Repatriation

Hamid Mir's Insights on Afghan Refugees' Repatriation

Hamid Mir addressed the issue of the return of Afghan refugees from Pakistan to Afghanistan. According to him, the decision to repatriate these refugees was made by the caretaker government, and he connected it to the behavior of Afghan players in cricket match between Pakistan and Afghanistan that took place in India. Mir suggested that this behavior negatively affected Afghanistan’s image in Pakistan.

He further discussed the historical relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan, emphasizing misunderstandings, border issues, and conflicts throughout the years. Mir mentioned incidents such as the killing of Pakistan’s first prime minister by an Afghan, conflicts during Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s era, and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

Mir also touched on recent events, including the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul in 2021 and the involvement of Pakistan in supporting various Afghan factions. Mir criticized the Pakistani government’s decision to give a one-month deadline for Afghan refugees to leave and highlighted security concerns and attacks on Pakistani security forces after the deadline.

Additionally, Mir expressed concerns about the presence of alleged Indian and Afghan intelligence cells operating in Pakistan, contributing to instability and target killings. He questioned why these agents were not being exposed and blamed the weakness of Pakistani institutions.

Mir concluded by suggesting that repatriating all Afghan refugees within a month was a wrong decision, proposing a more systematic and United Nations-led approach.

