Former Prime Minister Imran Khan has demanded an open court trial for former ISI chief Faiz Hameed, stating that the issue is not a military matter. In a discussion with journalists, Imran argued that a transparent trial is necessary and highlighted that his past association with Faiz Hameed is irrelevant now that Faiz is retired.
Imran insisted that Faiz Hameed should be tried publicly if he is the alleged mastermind behind the May 9 conspiracy, framing the incident as a local issue rather than a national security concern. He expressed worry that a military trial would harm Pakistan’s global reputation and stressed that a civilian court should handle the case.
Read more: Who are the Arrested Retired Brigadiers, Colonel in Faiz Hameed Case?
On Saturday, Imran Khan downplayed any intimidation from Faiz Hameed’s arrest and defended his call for a judicial commission. He also challenged former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s claims about the PTI’s impact on the economy, using the Economic Survey of Pakistan to counter accusations and highlight the deficit left by the previous government.