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Inadequate Chlorine in Filter Plants Raises Concerns

Inadequate Chlorine in Filter Plants Raises Concerns

Many filter plants in the city of Karachi are reportedly faulty and lack the correct amount of chlorine, contributing to an increase in deaths from Nigellaria bacteria. A senior officer from the Karachi Water and Sewerage Corporation, speaking anonymously, revealed that out of the nine filter plants, several are not in good condition, and chlorine is not being added in the correct quantity.

According to the officer, the negligence of top officials in providing the required quantity of chlorine cylinders has been ongoing. Allegedly, in some locations, the staff adds the necessary amount of chlorine during the day but neglects to do so at night.

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Mohsin Raza, Secretary General of the People’s Labour Union, claimed that corruption is prevalent in other departments of the Water Corporation, and there is a thriving market for bribery in water filter plants as well. He pointed out discrepancies in water supply, stating that over 15 million gallons of water are supplied daily at NEK Old Pumping Station, but much of it is either stolen or supplied to water tankers, leaving residents without adequate water. Raza also questioned the chlorine admixture at the filter plant of NEK’s old pump house, emphasizing that the plant is dry due to a lack of water, making chlorine admixture impossible.

Chief Engineer of the Water Corporation, Iftikhar Rajput, denied these allegations, asserting that all nine filter plants, including the one at NEK’s Old Pumping Station, are fully operational, with the required amount of chlorine added daily.
