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Missile Discovered in Islamabad Golra Sharif; Investigation Underway

Missile Discovered in Islamabad Golra Sharif; Investigation Underway

A man discovered a missile within the boundaries of Islamabad Golra Sharif just days before Independence Day.

He reported his alarming find to the Golra Sharif police, prompting officers to quickly secure the area. The Bomb Disposal Squad (BDS) later arrived to take control of the missile.

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Authorities in the capital have launched an investigation to determine the type of missile and how it ended up in a public area.

As Independence Day approaches, the twin cities, like the rest of the country, are buzzing with patriotic energy. Streets are filled with children and youth blowing horns, and there’s a noticeable increase in the sale of flags, badges, and themed clothing.

Islamabad’s administration is preparing for grand celebrations, which will include flag-hoisting ceremonies at various institutions, decorative displays on government buildings, and an exhibition of historical photographs at the Arts Council.
