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The End of an Era: Monal Restaurant Closes Its Doors

The End of an Era: Monal Restaurant Closes Its Doors

After nearly two decades of serving as an iconic dining destination, Monal Restaurant, perched atop the scenic Margalla Hills, closed its doors on September 11, 2024.

Opened in 2006, Monal became a symbol of Islamabad’s vibrant culinary scene, attracting locals and tourists alike for its panoramic views and memorable dining experiences.

Read more: Supreme Court Orders Monal Building Demolition; Wildlife Board to Take Control from September 11

The journey, spanning 18 years, ended in an unexpected and emotional farewell, leaving a significant void in the capital’s landscape.

The Human Cost: 700 Jobs Lost

The closure of Monal Restaurant has affected nearly 700 employees, many of whom had dedicated years of service to the establishment. Heartbreaking scenes emerged as videos circulated online showing employees weeping on the streets, grappling with the sudden loss of their livelihoods. The emotional toll on the workers, many of whom had made Monal a second home, has been immense.

Police Intervention: Clearing the Land

As part of the final closure, police were called to the premises to oversee the evacuation and ensure the land was cleared. With Monal’s shutdown, authorities moved swiftly to make the area accessible, managing crowds and overseeing the transition. The sight of people leaving, alongside the police presence, marked a solemn end to Monal’s reign as the city’s beloved restaurant.

Monal Then vs. Monal Now: The Transformation

What was once a bustling hub of activity and joy now stands demolished. The transition from Monal’s glory days to its final moments serves as a stark reminder of how quickly things can change. It was a place where families gathered, and memories were made, but now, only remnants remain, and the once-vibrant structure is no more.

The Final Farewell: Demolition Begins

In a heartbreaking culmination, Monal’s final moments were captured in a video that showed its once-proud structure being torn down. As the demolition began, it symbolized not just the end of a business, but the fading of an iconic landmark that had stood tall for nearly two decades. The visuals of the demolition, coupled with the loss felt by employees and customers alike, underscored the emotional gravity of the situation.

A Reminder That Nothing Lasts Forever

Monal’s closure serves as a powerful reminder: “Nothing in life is permanent, not even the landmarks we build.” As Monal stood tall for 18 years, its fall reflects the inevitable march of time and change. What was once a thriving symbol of Islamabad’s hospitality is now part of history, reminding us all that no matter how strong we build, change is inevitable.
