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Melting Glaciers in Pakistan: A Race Against Time to Save Water Supply

The vast glaciers of Pakistan, second only to those found in polar regions, play a crucial role as the primary water source, providing approximately 75% of the country’s water supply. However, these glaciers, especially those in the lower elevations of the Hindu Kush Mountain range, are facing a dire fate as they rapidly melt away. Scientists are deeply concerned about the factors contributing to this alarming phenomenon, including reduced snowfall, rising temperatures, increased summer rains, and deforestation.

Read More: Heavy rainfall in Punjab

The Chitral Valley serves as a poignant example of what could befall other regions if climate change remains unchecked. If immediate action is not taken to combat this environmental crisis, the consequences will be devastating for the local communities, leading to untold suffering and hardship.

Protecting these glaciers and combating climate change is of utmost importance to safeguard both the environment and the lives of those heavily dependent on these vital water sources. Failure to act swiftly will only exacerbate the situation, making life even more challenging for the people who call these areas their homes.
