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National Assembly Passes Bill to Establish Cannabis Control and Regulatory Authority

National Assembly Passes Bill to Establish Cannabis Control and Regulatory Authority

On Friday, the National Assembly approved a bill regulating the cultivation of cannabis and the sale of its derivatives for medicinal and industrial purposes.

Earlier in the week, the Senate Standing Committee on Science and Technology had approved the Cannabis Control and Regulatory Authority Bill after a four-year delay due to jurisdictional disputes between ministries.

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The bill, titled “The Cannabis Control and Regulatory Authority Act, 2024,” includes provisions for the establishment of an authority to oversee the cultivation, extraction, refining, and sale of cannabis in line with international standards.

It defines cannabis as resin (charas), hashish oil, and other forms like bhang and ganja. The act will cover all of Pakistan and will take effect immediately upon presidential assent.

The authority’s role is to ensure public health and safety while promoting legal cannabis cultivation to curb illicit trafficking, boost farmer profits, and minimize social harm. It also aims to foster local production of cannabis-based medicinal and industrial products, encourage exports, and attract foreign investment.

The bill establishes a board of governors, which will include two National Assembly members, one of whom must be a woman, to oversee policy, licensing, and research in cannabis cultivation and production.

Additionally, it aims to generate government revenue through taxation and support the development of a regulated cannabis supply chain.
