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Pakistan surpasses India, Iran, and North Korea on the Nuclear Security Index

Pakistan surpasses India, Iran, and North Korea on the Nuclear Security Index

According to an international agency assessing worldwide nuclear security, Pakistan has outperformed India, Iran, and North Korea in terms of successfully handling hazardous chemicals. According to the most recent evaluation, Pakistan has made commendable progress since the previous assessment, garnering three points and moving up to 19th place out of 22 countries on the list.

It is based on the NTI Nuclear Security Index, which measures the security of nuclear materials and facilities, adherence to international norms and treaties, nuclear regulatory frameworks, and the implementation of best practices to prevent unauthorized access to nuclear weapons or materials.

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The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), a non-profit organization based in Washington, keeps track of how countries maintain nuclear material. Pakistan received a total score of 49, outscoring India (40), Iran (29), and North Korea (18).

In terms of nuclear facility security, Pakistan rated 32, tied with Russia and Israel, and outperformed India, Iran, Mexico, South Africa, and other countries on a list of 47. Nonetheless, the index expressed alarm about the global decrease in nuclear security.

The report’s authors also noted that numerous countries, notably Pakistan, were stockpiling weapon-grade materials, undermining efforts to reduce and eliminate such stockpiles and raising the risk of theft.

The most recent NTI index assessed the security of highly enriched uranium and plutonium against theft, as well as the security of nuclear facilities against sabotage, taking into account the potentially disastrous implications of radiation emission.

Finally, while the report recognizes Pakistan’s tremendous advances in hazardous materials handling and nuclear security, it also raises serious concerns about the overall worsening of global nuclear security, advocating stronger efforts to solve these difficulties.




