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Pakistan Unveils Harassment Complaint App for Women

Pakistan Unveils Harassment Complaint App for Women

The Federal Ombudsman for Harassment, Fozia Waqar, has launched an application for complaints against harassment, through which complaints can be filed from any area.

Unfortunately, there are no details about how the app works or what it’s called, but we hope that we will get to hear more information soon.

While speaking to the media, Fozia stated that harassment is a global issue and many complaints have been received from students in universities. In 2019, 56% of students faced harassment according to the report, with 26% female students harassed in higher education institutions.

Fozia Waqar mentioned that complaints have been received from Bahawalpur and Iqra University in Punjab. The incident at Bahawalpur Islamic University was lamentable. It came to light when the institution’s chief security officer was arrested for possessing drugs.

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She stated that in 2022, there were 857 cases of harassment out of the reported cases and not providing women with equal opportunities for advancement and reducing their salaries also constitutes harassment.

She noted that cases of domestic violence do not fall within the scope of their institution, adding that if there is harassment with a domestic male or female employee, they can report it. Cases of creating divisions between men are also reported.

Furthermore, she emphasized the need to raise awareness among students through the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA).
