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PM Shehbaz urges to prioritize Women, elder and Special person for flour distribution

DERA GHAZI KHAN: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif praised the smooth distribution of free wheat flour among the deserving people of Punjab during the holy month of Ramazan on Wednesday, and assured that the government would continue to subsidise flour for the needy.

During a visit to a flour distribution centre in Dera Ghazi Khan, the prime minister emphasised the importance of patience, urging that women, the elderly, the sick, and special people be given priority in the distribution process.

“Be patient in obtaining flour while maintaining peace and order,” the prime minister instructed the recipients. “Women, the elderly, the sick, and special people should be prioritized,” he added.

Shehbaz stated that the country was in a difficult situation with enormous challenges, but the government was doing everything possible for the welfare of the people and providing relief to them.

He applauded the distribution of free wheat flour in Punjab, which was overseen by Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi. “A large package of free flour distribution has been given in Ramazan for the first time in the country’s history,” he continued.

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“At first, I had reservations as well, but the scheme is moving along nicely.” After Ramadan, the provision of cheap flour to shops will be considered. “Our first duty is to the people,” the prime minister added.

Shehbaz stated that the country was facing significant challenges, but that the coalition government, led by Mian Nawaz Sharif, was working hard to overcome them and provide relief to the people.

However, he emphasised that everyone must contribute to getting the country out of its difficult situation. “We must all do our part to address the country’s challenges.” Will get the country out of its difficulties,” he added.

On the occasion, the prime minister distributed bags of flour to the recipients as well as cash assistance to women. He sat on the ground with elderly and disabled people in the hot sun, listening to their complaints.
