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PPP members reject coalition with PML-N in govt formation talks

PPP members reject coalition with PML-N in govt formation talks

Internal divisions within the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) have come to the forefront as discussions intensify regarding potential participation in Punjab’s new government alongside the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N). After the nationwide general elections on February 8, the Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the PPP, led by chairman Bilawal Bhutto and co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari, engaged in a heated meeting where differing views on coalition formation were expressed.


During the CEC meeting, members from Punjab advocated for joining the provincial government, believing that negotiating favorable terms with the PML-N could be vital for the PPP’s resurgence in the province. On the contrary, a faction within the party strongly opposed any collaboration with the PML-N, questioning the legitimacy of the party’s recent majority and urging the PPP to stay in opposition at the federal level for accountability purposes.

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Sources familiar with the discussions revealed that a segment of the CEC emphasized the importance of engaging in negotiations for participation in the Punjab government on PPP’s own terms, highlighting the strategic significance of positioning within the provincial government for the party’s revival. However, dissenting voices argued against any collaboration with the PML-N.


The meeting witnessed Asif Zardari leaving after a brief period, leaving Bilawal Bhutto to convey the party’s stance. Bilawal acknowledged reservations about past election processes but affirmed acceptance of the recent results. He highlighted that not all members had the opportunity to express their opinions fully during the meeting, indicating that discussions would continue the following day. The scheduled second round of the PPP Central Executive Committee meeting underscored the importance of these deliberations in shaping the party’s future course of action.
