The Punjab government has revealed plans to introduce an electric taxi service across the province, modeled after successful electric vehicle (EV) taxi programs in China. Transport Minister Bilal Akbar Khan will oversee the initiative, following the directives of Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz. The move aims to tackle rising air pollution while creating new job opportunities in the transportation sector.
The Punjab Transport Department has already started preliminary work, collaborating with several electric vehicle manufacturers. Both the Deewan Group and the National Radio & Telecommunication Corporation (NRTC) have expressed interest in taking part in the project. The service will roll out in phases, initially focusing on Lahore and divisional headquarters before expanding to other major cities across Punjab.
The program will operate 24/7, offering residents continuous transportation options. To make EV ownership more accessible to potential taxi operators, the program will provide flexible payment plans, including down payments and installment options for drivers looking to acquire electric vehicles.
With environmental concerns and air pollution from vehicle emissions at the forefront, the initiative aims to deliver dual benefits: reducing urban air pollution and fostering new employment opportunities. However, the government has yet to announce specific launch dates or the pricing structure for the vehicles.