Unidentified armed assailants launched an attack on a police station in Faisalabad early Monday, killing three brothers and injuring a cousin. The assault occurred at Saddar Police Station in Tandlaianwala, where the victims were being held in connection with a murder case.
The victims—Bilal, Usman, and Nasir—were detained due to their involvement in a case filed under Section 302, concerning a killing.
Read more: Man Escapes Death as Wife Slashes His Throat in Violent Attack
The attackers reportedly climbed a ladder to the back of the station, locked the duty officers in their rooms, and opened fire on the detainees. A fourth detainee, Asif, was injured in the attack.
The men were from the Sukhera clan, accused of murdering members of the rival Kharal clan. They had been relocated to the Saddar police station for their safety due to an ongoing feud.
Authorities have arrested six suspects in relation to the attack, and investigations suggest that longstanding enmity was the motive. The assailants fled after the attack, and local authorities are continuing to pursue them.