The registration period for a groundbreaking free solar panel initiative, launched by Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, ended on Sunday. This scheme aims to provide long-term relief to beneficiaries struggling with high electricity costs. Under the program, 100,000 homes will receive free solar panels, an effort that comes with a Rs10 billion investment.
Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz announced that households consuming an average of 200 units of electricity per meter would be eligible for the solar systems. Panels of 550 to 1,100 watts will be distributed, with installations set to begin after a balloting process in June for those using up to 200 units per month.
Also Read: Pakistan Becomes Third-Largest Buyer of Chinese Solar Panels
The registration process, which was available through a portal, website, SMS, and phone, marks a significant step towards reducing electricity bills for thousands of households. The chief minister emphasized that the scheme will provide substantial relief to the public by transitioning them to renewable energy.
In addition to solar panels for homes, Maryam Nawaz also revealed future plans to convert agricultural tube wells to solar energy, while introducing e-bikes and e-buses to revolutionize transportation in Punjab.