Breaking News

Rs. 1.5 Billion Approved for Karachi’s Road Repairs

Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah has approved Rs. 1.5 billion for the repair of Karachi’s infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and underpasses damaged by recent heavy rains.

During a meeting on Wednesday, Shah expressed concerns about the quality of infrastructure developed since 2022 and demanded a thorough investigation into substandard construction practices. He emphasized that accountability measures would be enforced for any lapses in quality.

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Karachi Mayor Murtaza Wahab reported that over 17.8 million square feet of roads across multiple districts had been damaged. He noted that approximately 120 roads, bridges, and underpasses required immediate repair and resurfacing.

In addition to the repair funds, Shah approved six new projects under the CLICK program. These projects will focus on building flyovers and roads throughout the city to enhance infrastructure and mitigate future damage during rainy seasons.

The Chief Minister also received updates on the extensive flood damage in Hyderabad and Sukkur divisions. Detailed surveys will be conducted to assess the damage, with repair efforts set to commence soon across affected areas.
