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Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Miftah Ismail Formally Launch ‘Awaam Pakistan’ Party To Reform System

Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Miftah Ismail Formally Launch ‘Awaam Pakistan’ Party To Reform System

Former PML-N members Miftah Ismail and Shahid Khaqan Abbasi formally introduced a new political party named ‘Awaam Pakistan’ on Saturday, inviting all to join.

The leaders had long considered forming a new political entity to address ongoing challenges in the country.

Read more: Former PM Shahid Khaqan Abbasi Unveils Faizabad Dharna Revelations on Azaz Syed’s ‘Talk Shock’ Show

‘Awaam Pakistan’ gained prominence last month with the release of a video on the party’s social media, titled ‘Awaam Pakistan Badlaingey Nizaam’. Ismail and Abbasi shared this video, featuring concerned citizens raising questions about various national issues.

During an event in Islamabad, the former finance minister articulated his party’s vision to ensure equal economic opportunities for all Pakistanis, emphasizing that ‘Awaam Pakistan’ would not adhere to dynastic politics or rely on charismatic leadership.

“If you believe in our right to progress, join us. We will support you in rebuilding Pakistan,” Ismail declared, affirming a two-term limit for senior party members to prevent familial succession and promote meritocracy.

He lamented Pakistan’s lag behind other nations across various sectors, noting a stark decline from its former status as South Asia’s wealthiest country.

“Pakistan now leads the world in out-of-school children, surpassing even larger countries like China,” he added, underscoring inadequate educational spending despite significant allocations.

Ismail deplored the plight of 100 million Pakistanis living below the poverty line, highlighting dire circumstances where children go hungry, hampering the nation’s future.

He criticized the recently approved budget for benefiting politicians while burdening lower-income earners with increased taxes and living expenses.

The party’s primary goal, Ismail asserted, is to create pathways for Pakistani advancement and opportunity.

Former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi echoed these sentiments, expressing dismay that politics has prioritized self-preservation over public service.

He expressed optimism that ‘Awaam Pakistan’ would offer a fresh approach, emphasizing it as an innovative idea rather than a conventional political entity, inviting public engagement towards a better future.

Abbasi emphasized that forming a political party involves more than assembling a group of electables; it requires integrity and capability. He clarified that ‘Awaam Pakistan’ has not yet extended invitations but is presenting an idea, intending to engage with the public when ready.

He stressed that membership in ‘Awaam Pakistan’ requires individuals with influence and a commitment to contribute positively to the country. Abbasi contrasted his party with others, stating they seek members who actively contribute rather than solely benefit.

Abbasi outlined the party’s ideology, rejecting traditional political alignments in favor of a focus on uplifting Pakistan and holding a responsibility towards its people. He emphasized adherence to Pakistan’s Constitution and parliamentary democracy as non-negotiable principles for the party.

Expressing concern over the lack of respect for the Constitution after seven decades, Abbasi criticized the daily breaches by those sworn to uphold it, questioning how a nation of 240 million can function under such circumstances.

He announced plans to release a mission statement within three to four weeks outlining the party’s goals and policies, aiming to substantiate their intentions beyond rhetoric.

Abbasi acknowledged skepticism about the party’s launch without establishment permission, highlighting a common belief among the public that significant actions require establishment approval.

He criticized the current political class for advocating accountability while evading taxes themselves, condemning ineffective systems of revenue collection, governance, and policing.

Asserting that the individuals present could offer superior solutions to current politicians, Abbasi received applause from the audience.

Former PML-N leader and KP governor Mehtab Abbasi also addressed the gathering alongside Ismail and Abbasi.
