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Sightsavers Set up Free Eye Testing Camp to Ensure Quality Education

Sightsavers Set up Free Eye Testing Camp to Ensure Quality Education

As the World marks the international day of education, an international non-profit making organization, Sightsavers, joined hands with the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training to commemorate the day with the mission of “Clearing the Path to Education” and managed a free eye testing camp as a step to reinforce the strong connection between eye health and educational outcomes. This was done under its School Health Integrated Programming project, SHIP, being managed in Islamabad which involves training teachers on eye screening of students, free screening of schoolchildren for vision problems by qualified optometrists and providing free spectacles and treatment where needed.

Sightsavers appreciated the government for their work on education and also called on the government to pay more attention to the educational needs of children living with disabilities in the country to ensure inclusion. Sightsavers promotes quality inclusive education so that every child regardless of their abilities, needs or barriers to learning has the chance to get an education and an opportunity to thrive.

Munazza Gillani, Country Director Sightsavers said on the occasion that Sightsavers not only calls for inclusion of children with disabilities in learning process but also facilitates the process. We promote inclusive education and to ensure this we facilitate people and children with refractive error to have access to high quality services, checkup facilities, spectacles and the treatment they need.

She further said that “Today, by setting up the free eye camp we want to play our role in improving confidence, productivity and well being of the children as weak eye sight and issues of refractive errors is one of the biggest barriers in the learning process.”

Senior Programme Manager, Sightsavers, Itfaq Khan, said we are working towards preventing avoidable visual impairment and blindness of most vulnerable group of people especially children, by providing and enhacing high quality eye care. He also said that Inclusive education is not only a basic human right, but also a powerful tool for achieving sustainable development.

This activity was part of the event organized by the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training in National in National Library of Pakistan. The event had many educational stalls and attracted huge attention from children, students and parents. As many as 200 people visited Sightsavers Kiosk for free eye testing service. A team of qualified optometrists with supporting staff was present there to test the eyes and provide guidance to the people on eye care. Parents and teachers really appreciated this step and shared that many children face difficulties in learning due to weak eye sight and other eye problems and considered this initiative as great step towards ensuring quality and inclusive education.
