In a significant development in the Ameer Balaj Tipu murder case, the district and sessions court of Lahore has granted bail to Malik Sohail Mahmood, also known as Sohail Awan. Additional Sessions Judge Allah Dutta approved his bail application and ordered his release upon posting a Rs100,000 surety bond, provided he is not wanted in any other criminal cases.
The case registered at Chuhng police station accuses Mahmood of facilitating a meeting between Ahsan Shah and Teefi Butt, both implicated in the crime. The court’s decision follows Mahmood’s arrest and his subsequent bail plea.
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The court emphasized that Mahmood should be released if he is not implicated in any other ongoing investigations.
This bail order allows Mahmood to be released under specified conditions, ensuring his compliance with legal procedures while investigations continue into his alleged involvement in the crime.
On February 19, Ameer Balaj Tipu, the son of Arif Ameer, known as Tipu Truckanwala, was fatally shot in what police described as a targeted attack in Lahore’s Chuhng area during a wedding ceremony. The incident resulted in Balaj’s death and injuries to three others, with the alleged assailant also killed in retaliatory gunfire.
The investigation has progressed with the recent arrests of Malik Sohail Awan and Ahsan Shah, who are believed to have played significant roles in the events leading to Balaj’s murder, including facilitating meetings with prime suspect Teefi Butt.