In a tragic occurrence in the jurisdiction of Police Station Noon, Islamabad, a wall collapsed near Golra Morh on the Peshawar Road, killing eleven innocent people.
The sad event occurred near laborer encampments, resulting in significant casualties among the workers living in the region
The disaster happened with frightening speed, trapping eleven people beneath the wreckage of the fallen wall.
Despite the authorities’ quick response, the rescue efforts had devastating consequences, as all eleven people died in the disaster.
When the police received the distress call, they acted quickly, using all available rescue measures to get to the area as soon as possible.
The first responders worked valiantly to retrieve the bodies of the deceased laborers from the wreckage, which was a tragic and difficult task.
According to preliminary findings, the collapse of the wall was caused by severe rains in the Golra area, negatively impacting the current underpass building work on GT Road.