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World Bank Will Grant Pakistan $8.7 Billion For Development Projects

World Bank Will Grant Pakistan $8.7 Billion For Development Projects

The World Bank has pledged $8.7 billion in loans to Pakistan over the next five years to fund a range of development projects. The Economic Affairs Division reported that these funds will enhance infrastructure, education, and emergency rehabilitation.

Currently, around 58 projects supported by the World Bank are underway, with a combined estimated cost of $14.8 billion. Pakistan has already received $6.16 billion for these initiatives.

Read more: World Bank Approves Another $535 Million in Financing for Pakistan

By 2029, the World Bank will disburse an additional $8.7 billion, including $1 billion for Phase One of the Dasu Hydropower Project. Other allocations include $500 million each for the Sindh flood emergency rehabilitation and housing project, $460 million for the Khyber Pass Economic Corridor, and $400 million for development projects in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and higher education.

Additional funds include $440 million for a rural water supply project in Punjab, $300 million for rural access improvements in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and $100 million for the Karachi Solid Waste Emergency Project.

These investments will address critical infrastructure and social needs, support Federal Board of Revenue reforms, and advance human capital development in Punjab. The World Bank’s commitment highlights its strong partnership with Pakistan and aims to drive sustainable development and economic growth, significantly improving living standards and economic opportunities.
