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X Continues to Malfunction in Pakistan After 9 Days


The continued unavailability of the social media platform X in Pakistan has surpassed nine days, sparking significant concerns about digital communication access and freedom of expression in the country. Despite inquiries directed at the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) regarding the platform’s status, responses redirected to the Ministry of Interior have only added layers of complexity to the situation.

Efforts to seek clarification from the Ministry of Interior have yielded no response, leaving the accessibility of the platform in a state of uncertainty. In response, Pakistani social media users have resorted to Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to access X, yet reports indicate that government measures to block VPNs are hindering users’ attempts to bypass restrictions, heightening frustrations among the online community.

Also Read: VPN Services Restricted as X Shutdown Enters 8th Day in Pakistan

The initial block on Twitter in Pakistan stemmed from allegations of electoral irregularities made by former chief commissioner of Rawalpindi, Liaquat Ali Chatta, following the general elections on February 8th. Despite efforts to address the issue, including directives from the Sindh High Court (SHC) urging authorities to restore access to X and ensure uninterrupted service nationwide, implementation has been elusive.

As the disruption persists, stakeholders are vigilantly monitoring developments, emphasizing the importance of reaching a resolution that respects principles of open communication and upholds democratic values. This ongoing situation highlights the evolving governance dynamics in the digital era and underscores the necessity of safeguarding fundamental rights in online domains.
