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Zahid Gishkori Exposes Rs29 Billion Accountability Failure in Imran Khan’s Pending Cases

Zahid Gishkori Exposes Rs29 Billion Accountability Failure in Imran Khan's Pending Cases

In a startling revelation, investigative journalist Zahid Gishkori sheds light on Pakistan’s failed accountability measures, exposing the expenditure of over Rs29 billion in the pursuit of justice for 179 mega corruption cases. The list includes prominent politicians such as Nawaz Sharif, Asif Zardari, and others, spanning an eight-year period. Despite the significant financial investment, not a single penny has been recovered, raising concerns about the efficacy of the country’s anti-corruption efforts.

Gishkori underscores the impending fate of key cases linked to Prime Minister Imran Khan, emphasizing that only the timing remains uncertain. The tweet points to a systemic issue in Pakistan’s accountability mechanisms, leaving citizens and observers questioning the effectiveness of the extensive trials.

The investigation draws attention to the need for a robust and transparent accountability framework, urging authorities to address the shortcomings in the current system. As the nation awaits the outcomes of crucial cases involving Imran Khan, the tweet by Zahid Gishkori serves as a stark reminder of the challenges in ensuring justice and recovery in high-profile corruption cases.

