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Pakistanis Rally in Melbourne, Protesting the Judgment Against Ex-PM Imran Khan

Melbourne, Australia – Pakistanis from all walks of life residing in Melbourne, Australia, united to register their protest against a recent judgment faced by Prime Minister Imran Khan. Gathered at a prominent location in the city, the overseas community voiced their concerns over what they perceived as an unjust legal decision aimed at their country’s leader. The demonstration, organized under the hashtag #ImranKhanProtest, saw a large turnout of impassioned individuals expressing solidarity with the Prime Minister.

Read More: Ex-PM Imran Khan Arrested in Toshakhana case 

The protest took place in the wake of a ruling that has stirred controversy and debate within Pakistan and among the diaspora worldwide. Demonstrators from Melbourne’s Pakistani community fervently denounced what they consider to be a politically motivated judgment against PM Imran Khan. Carrying placards with slogans defending their leader’s integrity and demanding justice, the protesters made their voices heard in a peaceful yet powerful display of support.

Many protestors expressed their unwavering belief in Imran Khan’s dedication to the betterment of Pakistan and his relentless efforts to tackle the nation’s challenges head-on. They hailed his commitment to promoting social justice, economic reforms, and efforts to eradicate corruption from the government. Chants of “We stand with Imran Khan” resonated through the Melbourne streets, showcasing the unity and determination of the diaspora community.

Speaking to the media, the organizers of the protest stressed that the overseas Pakistani community remains vigilant and steadfast in supporting their Prime Minister. They underscored their faith in the country’s judicial system and urged for a fair and unbiased review of the judgment.

Additionally, the demonstration served as a platform for raising awareness about the importance of a strong and stable Pakistan and the need for collective action against any perceived attempts to undermine the country’s democratic process.

One of the participants, Fatima Ahmed, shared her thoughts, saying, “We are here today to show that our love for Pakistan and Prime Minister Imran Khan knows no borders. We believe in his vision for a prosperous Pakistan, and we stand firm against any attempts to destabilize our homeland. This protest is a testament to our unwavering support for a leader who has dedicated himself to our country’s progress.”

The protest in Melbourne reflects a broader trend of Pakistanis worldwide expressing solidarity with PM Imran Khan, with similar demonstrations held in various cities across the globe. Social media platforms have been inundated with messages of support, using hashtags such as #WeStandWithIK and #JusticeForImranKhan to amplify their voices.

The protest concluded peacefully with the organizers thanking the participants for their impassioned commitment to their homeland’s cause. As the diaspora community continues to rally behind their leader, the event marks a significant moment in the ongoing dialogue surrounding the recent judgment against Prime Minister Imran Khan.
