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Pakistan’s Significant Contribution to Saudi Tourism

Pakistan's Significant Contribution to Saudi Tourism

Saudi Tourism Authority’s Asia-Pacific Region President, Al-Hassan Al-Dabbagh, has emphasized the strong cultural and brotherly ties between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. He highlighted the historical connection between the two nations and expressed Saudi Arabia’s eagerness to host more Pakistani visitors, particularly for religious purposes.

Al-Dabbagh mentioned the Nusuk application, a digital tool designed to streamline travel for Muslims visiting Saudi Arabia. This application facilitates the process of obtaining visas, booking flights, hotels, transportation, and permits required for visiting holy places. It also provides guidance on important Islamic historical sites around Makkah and Madinah in multiple languages, including Urdu.

Saudi Arabia aims to enhance its tourism sector and attract more visitors, especially Muslims from around the world. The country’s vision includes fostering a thriving economy, ambitious society, and viable tourism sector. The Nusuk application is a key part of this strategy, aiming to provide convenience and accessibility to Umrah pilgrims and tourists.

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Saudi Arabia views Pakistan as a crucial and strategic market for its tourism initiatives. Al-Dabbagh outlined plans to cater to various segments of Pakistani Umrah pilgrims, including those visiting during Ramadan, summer vacations, and important religious occasions. The Nusuk application will continually expand its services to accommodate different traveler preferences and needs.

The Saudi official also mentioned the promotion of Saudi Arabia’s recreational activities and attractions, including its UNESCO world heritage sites and archaeological treasures. He assured that air connections between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia would improve, offering better deals and visa options for various destinations.

Furthermore, a significant promotional campaign is planned to showcase Saudi Arabia’s attractions, simplicity of Umrah procedures, and the Nusuk application’s benefits. This campaign will involve influencers, celebrities, and bloggers from both Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, aiming to encourage more Pakistani families to explore and experience Saudi Arabia’s offerings.
