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Peshawar Cancels Illegal Land Transfer for Housing Scheme

Peshawar Cancels Illegal Land Transfer for Housing Scheme

The district administration of Peshawar has swiftly responded to a reported land transfer scam involving approximately 1,375 kanals of land within a significant government housing project.

Following a complaint on the Pakistan Citizen Portal, an inquiry was launched, revealing manipulations in mutations in the Ghari Faizuallah area and tampering with revenue records. This fraudulent land transfer was projected to cause a financial loss of around Rs1 billion to the exchequer.

The investigation, led by Deputy Settlement Commissioner Rao Hashim Azeem, pointed to the involvement of three revenue officials in the deceptive scheme. The land in question, originally categorized as community-owned (shamilat), was deceitfully categorized as evacuee property and transferred to a housing society connected with a provincial government initiative located on the outskirts of Peshawar.

Also Read: Crackdown against illegal Housing society in Rawalpindi

In light of these findings, the implicated officials have been suspended from their positions. The district collector has been directed to carefully review and invalidate the forged mutations and related documents pertaining to the plots. The Peshawar Development Authority, responsible for overseeing the housing project, has been informed of the investigation’s outcomes to facilitate appropriate actions.

Shah Fahad, the Deputy Commissioner of Peshawar, has assured a comprehensive examination of the matter within a two-week timeframe to achieve a resolution. He stressed the critical importance of maintaining the integrity of revenue-related transactions, highlighting that the administration is actively addressing cases of manipulation and irregularities.

Although this incident revolves around a specific land area, the district administration is committed to ensuring proper revenue administration across the entire region. Fahad disclosed that in the past six months, 13 revenue officials have been suspended and 30 ongoing inquiries are underway to address various instances of misconduct.

The district administration remains resolute in safeguarding the authenticity of revenue records and transactions. This case serves as a reminder of the significance of vigilance and oversight in all land-related activities, aiming to prevent any further wrongdoing and uphold the public’s confidence in the administration’s endeavors.

