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PIMS Physicians Report Lack of Evidence Regarding Bushra’s Alleged Slow-Poisoning

PIMS Physicians Report Lack of Evidence Regarding Bushra's Alleged Slow-Poisoning

The Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) declared Bushra Bibi, the wife of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan, healthy on Thursday, stating that no signs of slow-poisoning were observed. This declaration came after claims made by Imran Khan that his wife had been poisoned while being held at their Bani Gala home, which has been declared a sub-jail.

Bushra Bibi herself expressed concerns about her deteriorating health and suggested the possibility of being slowly poisoned, speculating that a bathroom cleaner liquid might have been mixed in her food. However, a team of four doctors from PIMS conducted various medical tests and completed a thorough medical checkup, concluding that there were no signs of slow-poisoning or traces of cleaner in her blood.

Also Read; Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Expresses Concern Over Bushra Bibi’s Health

During a hearing of a £190 million corruption reference in Adiala jail, Bushra claimed that she had been poisoned by “three drops” of a common toilet cleaner mixed into her food, leading to symptoms such as swollen eyes, chest and stomach discomfort, and a bitter taste in her food and water.

Previously, PTI had alleged that Bushra had been fed “poisonous food” during her detention, expressing concerns over threats to her life and objecting to restrictions on her family visits. Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Health Minister Syed Qasim Ali Shah also wrote a letter to the Punjab chief secretary, expressing concerns over Bushra Bibi’s health. However, the medical examination conducted by PIMS found no evidence to support these claims, declaring Bushra Bibi to be in good health.
