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Election Commission Imposes Ban on Defaming Army, Judiciary in Political Campaigns

In a decisive move following months of anticipation, Pakistani authorities have officially announced the upcoming election date, signaling the commencement of preparations among major political factions for the highly awaited polls. The country’s primary election oversight body has now mandated strict regulations barring candidates from disparaging state institutions.

According to a report disclosed by Arab News, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has imposed limitations on political parties to prevent the promotion of anti-military or anti-judiciary campaigns. Under these fresh directives, parties and candidates are prohibited from disseminating materials that ridicule or cast aspersions on institutional integrity.

Outlined in a preliminary code of conduct, the ECP specified that political entities, contesting candidates, and election representatives are forbidden from propagating opinions or engaging in activities that could undermine Pakistan’s ideology, sovereignty, integrity, security, morality, public order, or the independence of the judiciary and military establishments.

However, the final version of the document is yet to be released by the ECP, pending certain revisions, which is anticipated within a week’s time.

The ECP emphasized a zero-tolerance policy toward incitement or resorting to violence during the pre-election campaigns or polling periods. It strictly prohibits the use of inflammatory language that could potentially lead to or incite violence.

This development unfolds against the backdrop of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party, once in power and now apparently in disarray, being critical of the country’s military establishment and other agencies.

The party’s chief, Imran Khan, who spent over 100 days in detention, currently faces a diminished standing in the election landscape due to a graft conviction. Khan, aged 71, confronts more than 150 legal cases related to various charges, including incitement to violence, blasphemy, terrorism, and leaking state secrets.

Imran Khan’s sentencing transpired during the government tenure of the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) alliance, led by former Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif.
