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PML-N Leader Disagrees With Government’s PTI Ban Decision

PML-N Leader Disagrees With Government's PTI Ban Decision

Senior PML-N leader Javed Latif opposed the government’s decision to ban Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), stating that banning political parties isn’t a viable solution. At a press conference, he emphasized that local political parties contribute to the nation, and those posing threats shouldn’t be deemed national parties. He called for recognition of parties that aid national prosperity and urged exposure of forces undermining the state.

Latif criticized the judicial execution of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who strengthened Pakistan’s defense, and expressed concern over the potential PTI ban, recalling that its founder had previously banned a party without significant public backlash. He warned that weakening political parties threatens democracy and compared Pakistan’s situation to Kenya.

Read more: PTI Leaders Urge PPP and MQM to Clarify Democratic Stance

Latif condemned the celebration of individuals who contributed little over four years and questioned whether any national party or leader could be held accountable for the May 9 incident. He advocated for a roundtable conference among political leaders and institutions to address pressing issues and insisted that those responsible for the May 9 events should face legal consequences, emphasizing that Pakistan can’t afford actions serving narrow interests.
