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PTI demonstrates willingness to “forgive everyone”

PTI demonstrates willingness to "forgive everyone"

In a significant shift from its previous stance, the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) announced on Thursday its abandonment of confrontational politics and extended an olive branch to its adversaries, expressing a commitment to reconciliation.

Speaking to the media, PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan emphasized the party’s rejection of a “clash of titans” approach and underscored its readiness to forgive all those who may have been at odds with the party in the past.

Also Read: The PTI central secretariat has been sealed

Asserting that the PTI is not interested in pursuing a politics of vengeance, Barrister Gohar declared that the party will refrain from seeking retribution, despite any adversities it may have faced. He stressed the importance of initiating a “ceasefire” for the betterment of the nation, urging an end to the discord among political factions.

Highlighting the vision of the PTI’s founding chairman, Imran Khan, Barrister Gohar revealed the party’s willingness to engage in dialogue with other stakeholders, focusing on issues concerning the economy, adherence to the Constitution, and the rule of law in the country.
