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PTI Stages Hunger Strike Demanding Release of Imran Khan and Others

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has initiated a hunger strike outside the Parliament House to protest what it sees as severe injustices against its party members and to show support for its leader, Imran Khan. The hunger strike, organized by PTI and led by Opposition Leader Omar Ayub, is scheduled from 3 PM to 7 PM and will feature camps set up in front of both the Parliament House and the Punjab Assembly. This move aims to highlight the alleged mistreatment of party members and rally public support for Khan.

In addition to PTI’s protest, the Sunni Ittehad Council has announced its own hunger strike camp in Punjab, further extending the reach of the demonstration. The decision to organize the strike was made jointly by PTI founder Imran Khan and parliamentary leader Mian Aslam Iqbal. This action is also a response to Khan’s reported poor conditions and restricted access while in jail, which he has cited as a key reason for his participation in the hunger strike.

Read more: PTI Central office in Islamabad Sealed for Safety Issues

Historically, hunger strikes in Pakistan have been used by political parties to show resolve and draw attention to significant issues. This protest reflects PTI’s ongoing efforts to challenge perceived injustices and support its leadership. The strike represents a continued push by PTI to address and rectify what they view as wrongful treatment of their party and its members.
