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PPP, according to MQM-P, leverages ethnic divide to obtain votes.

PPP, according to MQM-P, leverages ethnic divide to obtain votes.

Convenor of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement – Pakistan (MQM-P), Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, has accused the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) of manipulating linguistic division to obtain votes.

Siddiqui stated in a media interview that the necessity for linguistic separation in Sindh is primarily the responsibility of the PPP, while simultaneously claiming that the MQM-P has made substantial sacrifices to create unity in the province.

He went on to say that the PPP has been influential in maintaining linguistic divisions in Sindh in order to gain political support.

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He emphasized that this strategy allows the party to target certain language populations for votes.

However, he stated that the MQM-P has deliberately sacrificed its own interests in order to build a sense of harmony and unity among Sindh’s varied groups.

Siddiqui went on to say that the time has come for someone else to shoulder the burden of sacrifice.

He hinted that other political parties must step up to resolve Sindh’s linguistic issues, rather than relying solely on the MQM-P to bear the weight of fostering unity.


