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PTI and PPP Demand Exact Election Date

PTI and PPP Demand Exact Election Date

The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) have both called on the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to promptly announce the exact date for the upcoming general elections.

The PPP has emphasized the need for a level-playing field for all political parties and has urged the ECP to announce the date and election schedule in accordance with the Constitution. They have also expressed their willingness to work with other parties for the sake of democracy and the Constitution.

Also Read: Elections to be held in last week of January, says ECP

On the other hand, the PTI has criticized the ECP for delays in announcing a specific poll date and has urged the electoral body to avoid deviating from the Constitution. They argue that the ECP should focus on its constitutional duty to conduct fair and transparent elections within the constitutionally defined framework.

The demand for a clear election date comes after the ECP announced that elections would be held in the last week of January, following the completion of the delimitation process by November 30. While this announcement clarified the timing of the polls, it did not specify the exact date, leading to speculation and calls for greater transparency in the electoral process.

