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Punjab on Flood Alert as India Releases Water into River Sutlej

The Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) in Punjab has raised concerns about potential floods in the region following India’s release of over 70,000 cusecs of water into Pakistan’s River Sutlej. Local authorities have confirmed the significant water discharge from the Harike headworks and have issued warnings regarding the possibility of inundation in nearby areas.

Read More: Chairman NDMA Holds Conference on Monsoon Rains and Anticipated Floods

As a precautionary measure, Deputy Commissioners of Kasur, Okara, Wahari, Pakpattan, and Vehari have been instructed to make necessary preparations and establish relief camps in their respective districts. In order to ensure public safety, authorities are advising people to avoid areas near urban rivers and canals.

The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has directed provincial administrations to implement early warning systems, maintain rapid response capabilities, and conduct evacuations in flood-prone areas along the Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej rivers, and their tributaries.

District administrations have also been advised to develop contingency traffic plans for vulnerable urban areas and initiate de-watering operations. Officials will closely monitor the situation until July 20, while urging residents in high-risk areas to stay informed and follow the guidance provided by relevant authorities.

The potential for floods remains a significant concern, and authorities are taking proactive steps to mitigate the risks and ensure the safety of the public. Continued vigilance, preparedness, and adherence to official instructions are essential during this period of heightened alertness.
