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Punjab to Test Students for Diseases Before Exams

Interim Health Minister Dr. Javed Akram revealed during a meeting on Thursday that as part of the provincial government’s school health screening scheme, every child will undergo disease tests, including thalassemia, before their ninth-grade exams.

This project’s purpose is to protect current and future generations from harmful diseases.

This programme was established by Chief Minister (CM) Mohsin Naqvi, who places a high priority on safeguarding children from dangerous diseases.

Following a review by the law department, the Punjab cabinet will consider the draught legislation and offer final approval. The Punjab Health Care Commission will be critical in conducting child health screenings.

The steering group, which met at the Department of Specialised Healthcare and Medical Education and was chaired by Dr. Akram and Dr. Jamal Nasir, would thoroughly review the technical components of the programme.

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The committee examined blood screening procedures for ninth-grade students in educational institutions in Punjab.

The interim minister of primary and secondary healthcare emphasised that the Punjab Health Care Commission will examine all laboratories participating in child health screening.

Dr. Akram spoke about the enormous difficulties faced by families of patients suffering from serious disorders such as thalassemia.

He emphasised that parents have the ability to prevent their children from lifelong disabilities through the school health screening programme.
