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Puzzling Situation: 10 Million Women Without CNICs

The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) expressed concerns on Monday over the approximately 10 million women in the country who do not possess a Computerised National Identity Card (CNIC), making them ineligible to be registered as voters.

The party urged authorities to register these disenfranchised women in the electoral rolls, emphasizing that their inclusion could significantly impact the outcomes of the upcoming general elections scheduled for January next year.

The PPP’s human rights cell secretary, Malaika Raza, stressed the urgent need for action, calling on the Election Commission of Pakistan, the caretaker government, and political parties to collaborate and support the inclusion of these women in the electoral rolls.

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She highlighted the importance of empowering these women by assisting them in obtaining necessary identification documents and ensuring their participation in the democratic process.

The issue of missing women voters has raised concerns about the fairness of elections in the country.
