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Nausheen Shah Warns Against Investment Scam Involving Director

Renowned Pakistani Actress Warns Against Investment Scam Involving Director

In a shocking revelation, renowned Pakistani actress Nausheen Shah has stepped forward to expose an alleged investment scam involving film director Nabeel Ur Rehman Lutfi. Shah disclosed that she had entrusted Lutfi with a significant sum of money, handing over 20 million for cryptocurrency investment and an additional 15 million intended for his upcoming film project.

However, Shah’s trust in Lutfi quickly turned into dismay as she discovered that both Lutfi and the funds had vanished into thin air. It has been reported that Lutfi, along with Shah, absconded after allegedly collecting a staggering 6 crore rupees from numerous celebrities under false pretenses.

Also Read: Nausheen Shah Slams Body-Shaming Trolls Targeting Minal Khan

Expressing regret over her own oversight, Shah admitted to neglecting proper documentation, a crucial step that could have potentially prevented this unfortunate turn of events. In light of her experience, Shah is urging fellow investors to exercise caution and ensure thorough due diligence before parting with their funds.

As the scandal unfolds, authorities have launched an investigation into the matter, while affected investors are left grappling with the repercussions of their investments gone awry. The case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and transparency in financial dealings within the entertainment industry.
