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Saudi Arabia and Israel Progress Toward Normalization

Saudi Arabia and Israel Progress Toward Normalization

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), has hinted at the potential normalization of ties with Israel, stating in a recent interview with Fox News that “Every day we get closer.” This marks the first time MBS has publicly spoken about the possibility of a deal, and it suggests that Saudi Arabia is moving closer to establishing diplomatic relations with Israel. The United States and Saudi Arabia have reportedly been discussing this development for some time.

Normalization of ties between Saudi Arabia and Israel would be a significant geopolitical shift, as Saudi Arabia is home to some of the most important Islamic sites, and its support for Israel would represent a major departure from the stance of most Arab and Muslim countries, which do not officially recognize Israel.

MBS indicated that the potential deal could be as historic as the end of the Cold War. He expressed hope for a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that benefits Palestinians, but he did not specifically mention the establishment of a separate Palestinian state, which has been a long-standing stance of Riyadh.

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It’s worth noting that Israel and Saudi Arabia have had unofficial and discreet contacts for years, driven by shared concerns about Iran. However, public normalization would be a significant development.

MBS emphasized the importance of addressing the Palestinian issue and expressed his hope to see Israel play a greater role in Middle Eastern affairs. He also stated that Saudi Arabia is willing to work with any Israeli leadership, including Benjamin Netanyahu.

The details of any potential agreement, including what Israel might need to concede in exchange for normalization, have not been disclosed, as they are still being negotiated. Netanyahu’s political party, which includes some extremists, will also play a role in determining Israel’s response to any demands that benefit the Palestinians.

Overall, MBS’s comments indicate a shift in Saudi Arabia’s approach to Israel, signaling a potential new chapter in Middle East diplomacy. However, the path to full normalization remains complex and challenging, given the longstanding and deeply rooted issues related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
