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SBP issues Rs100 coin for CPEC’s 10th anniversary

SBP issues Rs100 coin for CPEC's 10th anniversary

To mark the 10th anniversary of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) plans to release a special commemorative coin of Rs 100 on Friday. As per an official statement issued on Thursday, the coin will be available through SBP Banking Services Corporation exchange counters starting from August 11, 2023. This coin is being issued by the Pakistani government to acknowledge the crucial role played by the CPEC in the country’s infrastructure and economic growth since its establishment in 2013.

The commemorative coin has a round shape with serrated edges, measuring 30.00 mm in diameter and weighing 13.5 grams, made of Cupro-Nickel metal. On one side of the coin, there’s a creatively designed five-pointed star as the central feature. This design incorporates elements from both the Pakistani and Chinese national flags, showcasing the crescent moon and star from Pakistan’s flag alongside a cluster of five stars representing China’s flag on the right and left sides of the central star.

The top and bottom of the star are adorned with the English inscription “CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF CPEC” and the Urdu inscription “ISLAMI JAMHURIA PAKISTAN,” respectively, accompanied by two stars on each side. The coin’s face value is prominently displayed with the bold numeral “100” and the term “Rupiya” in Urdu script on the right and left sides of the central star.

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On the reverse side of the coin, a similar five-pointed star design takes center stage, incorporating elements from both the Pakistani and Chinese national flags as well. The top of the star is inscribed with the words “CHINA PAKISTAN ECONOMIC CORRIDOR” in English and Chinese scripts, surrounded by a periphery. At the bottom of the star, the words “PAKISTAN CHEEN EQTESADI RAHDARI” in Urdu script and “FROM VISION TO REALITY” in English are engraved along with the periphery.

The years “2013” and “2023” are highlighted at the center of the coin, separated by two stars on each side, symbolizing a decade of impactful development for CPEC. This commemorative coin serves as a tribute to the significant achievements and progress of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor over the past ten years.
